Purgator Class Guide For Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

2022-05-14 02:14:29 By : Ms. Jenny Jian

Everything you need to know about the Purgator class in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

The Sons Of Titan, the Grey Knights, are the Emperor’s finest. They are immovable, swift, and gifted with abilities that dwarf even the mighty Space Marines. They can trace their lineage back to the Golden Throne itself, and they are the hammer of the Ordo Malleus. Sworn to secrecy, dedicated to purging Chaos - they are living legends one and all, and the good guys of Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters.

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When it comes to purging the heretic, the daemon, and the mutant, the Grey Knights form Strike Squads, with each member specializing in a role to best assist his brothers. Purgators are one such specialist, and they are all about bringing death from afar with the powerful psychically charged weaponry.

A Purgator is a ranged specialist designed purely to kill everything that moves. Unlike their Storm Bolter-bearing brethren, the Purgator packs all manner of heavy weapons, such as Psycannons, Psilencers, and deadly Incinerators. What they lack in close combat potential, they more than make up for in firepower. If it moves, you can kill it.

Every class in Chaos Gate comes with innate abilities that make them more than just foot soldiers. Even a level one Purgator has his own unique brand of passives that help him stand out from the pack.

These four skills are basic skills that lead to more specialized disciplines.

This tree unlocks and upgrades the Emperor’s Light Psychic Attack.

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This tree unlocks the Sanctified Killzone Psychic Attack and upgrades it to increase its effectiveness.

This tree unlocks and upgrades the Astral Aim Psychic Boon.

This tree applies buffs to any weapon the Purgator may be using.

This tree specifically upgrades the Psilencer.

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This tree is all about boosting the effectiveness of Wargear - specifically Grenades.

This tree unlocks and upgrades the effectiveness of the Arcane Weapons Psychic Boon.

This tree upgrades the Psychic Onslaught Warp Charge attack.

The Purgator is an incredibly focused class that does one thing, and it does that one thing very well. If you are going to run the Purgator, nothing is stopping you from using the Incinerator, however, as you may have noticed, there are no upgrades in the Purgator’s tree that specifically buff that weapon (other than the generic Ranged Weapon tree).

As a result, it may be better to focus on the Psycannon and Psilencer. In addition, there are essential skills to aim for when building your Purgator.

Firstly, Astral Aim is too good to ignore. This ability turns your Purgator into a mid-ranged sniper capable of landing a Critical Hit at will. This not only increases your damage, which can be increased even further with other investments but also allows you to destroy body parts. This is incredibly useful against tougher enemies and bosses. Even a single point in Astral Aim is fantastic. Once you buff it, the synergies really start to kick in.

Sanctified Kill Zone is one of the best debuffs in the entire game. It has a massive area of effect and the damage increase it provides is fantastic if used early in a turn. With one point of investment it carries its weight, with further upgrades, it becomes so much better it hurts. The extra turn of Vulnerability in particular is stellar.

Grenades offer great utility, with more grenades unlocking as you play through the game. Even at the start, the ability to destroy cover, knock back enemies, deal AOE damage, and cause chain reactions is too good to pass up. The Purgator, once maxed out, can carry six grenades, which is more than an entire squad can carry.

Outside of those three, there are a bunch of fantastic skills to consider based on how you want to build your Purgator. Pushing into the Ranged Discipline tree makes sense on any build, but if you want to focus on the Psilencer, then that tree offers some amazing value.

Emperor’s Light is underwhelming at first glance but can shatter the game's balance if used correctly, and liberally. Blind is a seriously effective debuff that will neuter just about any offensive. Due to the large AOE, you can blind substantial chunks of the enemy team. Heck, with two Purgators, you could easily catch everyone. Combined with Armor, your squad could become functionally immortal for a turn.

Don’t forget the Purge effect of Emperor’s Light either. Whilst not useful early game, it comes into its own once Demons start showing up. Again, this can absolutely neuter certain enemies, making them easy pickings for your knights.

It may seem like Purgators are going to be heavily reliant on WP, and they are. Thankfully, their kit is riddled with WP upgrades that alleviate that issue. Purgators also do great damage, which directly turns into kills, which restores WP. Finally, a Justicar can pass WP onto them in a pinch.

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Forged in the rainy wilds of northern England, Adam carved a path of mediocrity through generations and genres. His play style is often described as: “optimistically awful”.