Sedona AZ — When I saw those jets slam into the Twin Towers 21 years ago on September 11 my heart broke. Not just for the 2,977 souls that would perish that day but for those who would die, soldiers, men women and children, in the coming wars sparked by that event.
I watched in horror, in profound shock and sadness seeing those buildings come down, knowing there were human beings in those edifices that were perishing, live, on TV.
My first thought was that those who profit from war now had the perfect excuse to wage it, and nothing could be done to stop them.
In that moment I foresaw the deaths of tens of thousands of people in the wars to come.
And two months later I was proven right, with the invasion of Afghanistan. A war that spanned almost two decades, that we lost in the end anyway.
True, those who profit from providing and manufacturing instruments that go boom and kill, made a bundle on this one, at the cost of so many killed and maimed.
I will always have doubts about the 911 attack. It was an event we, the mightiest nation on the planet, apparently were taken totally by surprise and could do nothing about it.
There are just so many loose ends: our air force and defenses not being able to do anything over the two hours of the ongoing attacks; the collapse of Tower Seven that was allegedly set on fire from embers; the inability of our defenses to protect the Pentagon that was hit an hour and one-half after the first tower was struck; and so many other inconsistencies that do not make sense.
Casting even more doubt for me, was the recounting of what led to the attacks from a childhood friend who by the grace of God took his first day of vacation on September 11, on the road heading out of town when it happened.
His job at the World Trade Center allowed him access to most any location in the WTC complex until a few months before the attack.
He said that in those months, without notice, he was banned from certain areas in the center.
He said there were people coming in and out of those restricted areas he did not recognize. He said he had no idea what was going on.
He also noted that stored in the towers were highly toxic cleaners and irritants that were spewed all over the complex because of the collapse, that later proved deadly to first responders who had to sift through the debris to find remains.
His opinion was that it was impossible for the heat that was generated by the jet fuel to melt the steel skeleton of the building and that there was no way in hell a fire could have taken down Tower Seven.
He turned his car around that day as soon as he heard the news of the attack and went right back to the collapsed buildings as a first responder.
Since then, he developed cancer and continues to battle a myriad of health issues.
I find it so hard to believe that a team of box cutter wielding individuals could have wreaked the havoc they did on that fateful day.
Yet, we have been told that the plan was orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden and that’s the full scope of it all. And that we are expected to believe it.
But it’s just as hard to believe 911 was an inside job created by our government to start a profit-motivated war in the Middle East; to have an excuse to monitor everyone who uses the Internet or phone; and to cover up an investigation that was going on in Tower Seven.
We will never know what really happened. Conspiracy theorists will see it one way and those who trust in government will see it another.
My heart still mourns for all those who lost their lives on that fateful day and all of those who died in the resultant Middle East wars.
All one can do is pray it never happens again.
Only an idiot would believe it was a jet plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 911. The air space above it is the most protected air space in the world and it’s amazing that there is no footage of that alleged jet coming in low and slow ever released. Also, it’s impossible for the aircraft at that straight ahead trajectory to not have hit something else first. The descent would have need a mile or more to hit the target as it it did. And look at the hole in the Pentagon wall. What? It could not have been caused by a jet. The sheep will believe anything they are told.
Justin, In fact there were no planes that day, only after the fact did people see on TV where the “planes” had been inserted into the original recordings. No plane wreckage was ever found, and no black box was ever found. Yet, there were passports and other identification certificates from Saudi Arabian people who were supposedly in the planes all around the tower grounds. How does that make any sense to anyone?
Airplanes have a very thin outer skin of aluminum, so they can be of the lightest weight for flying. Does anyone REALLY believe a jet plane could cause steel to melt, or to make it to the other side of the building with the shell or skin intact? If you believe that could happen, what sort of “logic” are you basing it on?
People stop believing the “mockingbird news” on TV! If you pay attention next time you watch the “news” and you check what the other news stations are saying, you will soon see that they all have one script given to them and they have to read it verbatim. For many years now, there has been no such thing as reporters who research and report real news. The only exceptions that I know of today is “A One News” and “Epoch News.” But, you won’t see them on the mainstream news channels, like CNN, NBC, etc.
A Boeing 767-200 aircraft is about 150,000 tons max gross. The only thin skin is on the wings. You cannot put thin skin on a pressure vessel that maintains 8000ft cabin pressure at flight level 410 (41,000 ft). The the thin skin on the wings covers the superstructure of the wings, those are heavy and not thin.
Slam 150,000 tons into a building at 500 kts, (about 575 mph), full of 24,000 gallons of jet A fuel (Boeing 767-200) weighing roughly 82,000 tons, and expect nothing to happen?Expect to see anything left over? Really?
Take 15% off for fuel burn. Doesn’t really make a difference.
A jet does not cause steel to melt. Burning fuel does.
1. Steel does not have to melt, it just has to lose structural integrity.
2. Structural integrity fails around d 675 degrees C. Walk in the park that fuel can attain when it burns at over 1000 degrees C in the engine.
Add millions of tons of building above the impact area. Building never had a chance.
I watched the video of the projectile that hit the Pentagon at least 20 times. It came straight through, level, and hit about 15 feet above the ground. There are also photos of the lamppost s standing in front of the Pentagon. A plane would have clipped them. Then there are the photos of the collapsed part of the building forming a perfect rectangle. There are even shots of the interior. You can even see desks with papers on them. There is a collapsed wall visible. Did the plane bury itself out of sight under it and burn itself to ashes?
Like you said, slam a jet weighing 150,000 tons into a building at 500 kts, (about 575 mph), full of 24,000 gallons of jet A fuel (Boeing 767-200) weighing roughly 82,000 tons, I think you are going to cause quite a bit more damage than a collapsed outer wall and burnt offices.
And the firefighters were using water to put out the flames from the explosion when the projectile hit. Not foam. Look at the pictures. Jet fuel, kerosene, would have burned a lot more and spilled out of the building and into the adjacent sections next to the impact. Given the amount of oxygen available for the fuel to burn it would have been a holocaust.
Could you as a pilot have pulled that stunt off with a giant passenger jet in your control? Watch that video and after about 10 views your mind will fill in the gaps and you will see what I mean.
There had to be video footage. One can’t assume the building itself had no cameras trained on its outer walls and campus.
Plain and simple, despite your mastery of math, things don’t add up.
You have lost your marbles Tommy.
How could you cast doubt when we all know it was Osama who did this to us?
Society is as strong as its belief and faith in authority. Never forget that. . Government appointed investigators, inspected 911.
They found that a group of people of Middle Eastern descent orchestrated a plan that would take down two symbols of American greatness.
It was a message to us the gloves we’re off.
We responded in kind and today the Afghans are domesticated. Most of the Middle East seems to be as well.
What happened to them after the buildings fell was simply a response from our government that if the gloves were off their ass was going to be kicked.
So grow up Mister Editor. You think you see it all yet you are blind.
More ridiculous and outlandish conspiracy theories.
If you really want to know what happened, this is a link to an organization that “remote viewed” 911. The remote viewers weren’t told what they were viewing. It is AMAZING! Here’s a link to part 2: Unfortunately “my husband” hasn’t really researched this. When a plane hits, the wings are shown in the damage — the Pentagon pictures show that the damage goes straight down, with no wing damage to the side. Also, papers are still on the desks, and a lot more is written and spoken about it in articles and videos. Some people witnessed a missile hitting the Pentagon, but they were “discounted” like everything else to “program” us to think “their” way and be ignorant of what was really happening. Here’s a “taste” of “The Missile” video. Please don’t let yourselves be duped — RESEARCH EVERYTHING!
How many times do I need to tell you, my dear Mrs. Smith, that women should not be allowed to talk politics or other important issues that should only be relegated to men? Now be a good wife and listen to your husband. You lack the intellectual prowess, as a female member of the human species, to logically piece together a worthy argument. Now off to the kitchen with you and concentrate on your wifely duties. I’m forbidding you, as your husband, to post any more comments on this thread. Leave the hard stuff to me. Remember your wedding vows and your oath to serve and obey, my love.
This always sparks conversations. Conversations are good. But facts are important also.
There was in fact a frame from a security camera that did capture the AA flight hitting the pentagon. And there were AA pieces all over the sight, part numbers, logos etc. Estimated speed was about 400 kts.
The pentagon and DC are highly protected airspace. You expect an attack from a military source, not a commercisl plane that is almost untraceable with its transponder turned off.
There was mass confusion at ATC. Which is why all planes were grounded nationally and all foreign incoming aircraft were denied entry into US airspace. All of a sudden a blip dissapears from the radar scope. That is not normal, but it is also not unusual as transponders can fail. Anyone have any idea of the hundreds of planes that are on an ATC scope on the east coast in the morning?
ATC is not expecting a hijacked plane being converted into a missle. The act of surprise gives the bad guys the advantage. Remember where these guys trained and they never trained in takeoff and landing, all enroute.
Thinking that anyone can Monday morning quarterback those events and not knowing a thing about our air transport system is ludicrous. Military interceptors had no idea even where to look.
Now…to the towers. What nonsense. Steel softens and starts to lose structural integrity around 425 degrees C. It loses half its strength at 650 C. Depends on the composition. To fail, melting has nothing to do with it.
Let’s talk about something I know about. When I start my jet engines on my turbo prop, the exhaust gas temperatures (EGT) can get as high as 800C. 2 seconds above that temp on a start demands an internal engine inspection. Typically except on a hot day or weak batteries we don’t see that 800 limit.
In cruise the EGT is typically 520C. Ok, why doesn’t the engine melt? A jet engine creates an air cushion around the fire ball which is a hell of a lot hotter than the readings above. Without the air cushion, we’re done. Engine destroyed.
My engine measures EGT, other engines measure Temps inside the burner can and can reach 1700c, 3092 degrees F. Those Temps typical on a commercial jet engine. Special materials and the air cushion keeps the engines from melting.
Making a statement that 10s of thousands of gallons of buring jet fuel are not going to attain a temp that softens steel is just a lack of knowledge.
Now add the fact that the physical impact of a 200,000 lb (100 ton) aircraft at 400+ knots is not going to take out a substantial part of the steel structure on impact is ludicrous.
Now you have instantly lost porbably 20 to 25% of building integrity plus a constant fire as 10s of thousands of gallons of jet A are burning in a confined area where heat can’t escape, and the fact the the planes intentionally targeted areas substantially below the top of the building so the weight above the impact was probably millions of tons of steel and concrete, there was no way those buildings were going to survive. When the upper floors started coming down, the momentum and Kenichi energy of all that weight on the floors below just started a cascading effect, and the more weight the worse it got as they came down.
Those kamikaze pilots knew exactly what they were doing and where to impact the trade center buildings.
You are a pilot. The snippet of the impact video shows a projectile of sorts hitting the Pentagon wall straight on. Using your mathematical skills, how much distance descending would the plane have needed to travel to crash into the building straight on? Like Tommy said, the craft would have taken down light poles and other things in its path to hit the building straight on. And I have seen that clip of the alleged plane hitting the Pentagon Play it over a few times and you will see. Amazing, it’s the only video ever released. It was too small to be a jet. It was probably painted to look like an AA jet. And why is there no footage of the plane coming in for the kill, anywhere, considering Washington has more cameras than Kodak? And where did the engines go? Were they melted in the building? And why did our air force do nothing to protect the air space above the Pentagon? It took almost two hours since the first plane hit the first tower. What kind of leadership did our President or his handlers exhibit not surrounding the capital and Pentagon with military aircraft to shoot an attacking jet down?
And most of the fuel from the jets that smacked into the towers was consumed in the explosions. The buildings were not engulfed in flames and basically smoldering when they began their magical collapse into their own footprint? There has been hundreds of skyscraper fires that did not end with a collapse. And then, we are told embers collapsed Tower Seven. Explain that if you can.
Justin, a normal stabilized approach for a plane is 3 degrees. 3 degrees is quite steep. If you want to see how long it takes a plane to go from the decent path to level flight and land, go up to the Sedona airport and observe. I do it in about 4 seconds and I’m trying to land, at 100 kts. That’s assuming you intend on landing. If your intent is to crash, then jerking to level flight from a decent takes a half second or less.
You’re not going to take out light poles that may be 20ft in the air that are hundreds of ft away from the building.
I’ve seen the video. We are lucky to have seen what we saw. A security camera on a driveway entrance would be lucky to shoot 30 frames a second, full motion. Typically they shoot 15 frames or less. Assuming 500 kts which equals 575 mph or 844ft per second 1 frame (1/30) equals 28ft. More likely a camera like that is running at 15 frames. But at 1/30 of a second 28ft of blurr is about what you would see.
We are lucky to see what we saw. Security cameras are not high speed slow motion speciality cameras.
This camera was close to the gate on a driveway, you can see that. A camera mounted there is designed to capture an area that is close. Therfore the lens is very very wide angle. Anything in the distance is going to be extremely small. Thats just optics. Try it with any camera.
The airspace being secured? Yes, it is a no fly restricted area. And when a plane or pilot gets into the area it’s a problem. 99.9% of the time ATC is talking to the pilot as you are flying close to either restricted or Class B airspace. Approach Control or center monitors all aircraft. In that sensitive area if somone is not responding they can scramble interceptors. But then they know where the intruder is and can tell the interceptors where to go. If the aircraft’s transponder is intentionally switched off then the ability to see an aircraft is SUBSTANTIALLY diminished.
Then consider the timeline and confusion.
1. Hundreds of airplanes on ATC screens, a normal morning. Many on flight plans, many are not, just operating under VFR flight rules, NO communication with ATC required for VFR.
2. Everyone is now on high alert after two planes slam into the towers, one observed on live TV. They scramble jets, but where are they looking? There is no airborne AWACS in the air, this is not a combat zone. This is everyday commercial air operations. And the bad guys knew it.
3. Now a command comes down from the FAA to ground ALL airplanes in US airspace and to turn around ALL international incoming flights. Unprecedented, never been done. Do you have any concept of the confusion that is taking place as these orders are executed and emergency landing instruction are issued to EVERY airplane in the sky, PLUS what the pilots, Company base operations and these crews are now having to deal with? Chaos.
Two weeks ago I was returning from Texas and had to negotiate a series of monsoon build ups. That requires communication with ATC to deviate from an assigned route. EVERY airplane 18,000 ft and above is communicating and asking for deviations. Hard to get a transmission in. And that’s just for a few pop up thunderstorms.
4. And now you have two rogue planes with NO transponders on with deadly intentions knowing EXACTLY what their missions are.
It’s easy to have a religion that you can sit and analyze over 20 years. But that’s not reality.
More cameras than Kodak? Security cameras don’t point up in the air Justin, they typically don’t even point level. Most security cameras are mounted on poles or buildings and point down. That’s where security issues are. Probably why the first plane that hit the towers there was very little video, but the second plane there were locals and TV cameras already pointing to the sky that captured the whole approach and impact.
What collapsed tower 7? I don’t know and neither do you. Certainly wasn’t “embers”. You have the mass of millions of tons of the two towers coming down and anything can happen.
Regarding the fuel burn in the towers. You make the assumption that the explosion ate up the fuel. Could not be further from reality.
Watch any jet crash, from military to commercial. Easily viewable on YouTube. The burning lasts a very long time, that’s the fuel as steel and aluminum does not burn.
When a fire department responds to an aviation crash, they have to use foam to estinguish the fire. Water just spreads it.
And that burning is in an open area where there is plenty of oxygen.
The jets hit the buildings and the fuel burning is in a confined area with NOTHING to extinguish the fire or dissapte the heat. You may not see flames as the smoke hides them, in most fires. I see smoke all the time billlowing out of forest fires. You rarely see the flames, unless it’s night. Without fire, there is no or very little smoke. Throw a molitoff cocktail, it burns as the fuel is consumed.
Jet Fuel DOES NOT explode. The vapors rapidly ignite, the mist or vapors. That is the initial “explosion”. Oxygen surrounds the molecules and it only takes a spark. Not unlike an explosion in a grain elevator. After that, the liquid fuel surface burns and the liquid is gradually consumed. Pour a gallon of jet A on the ground and throw a match on it. It will burn, won’t explode.
In a jet engine, the fuel is converted into a mist and is self igniting once the engine is running. This is done with high pressure fuel pumps and nozzles in the burner can. Without igniters the engine does not start. Like a gas engine can get flooded.
The impact ruptured the multiple tanks, created mist and fumes and a spark ignited it. Then the fuel burned.
Add a 100 ton aircraft impacting at 500 knots taking out a substantial part of the steel and concrete infrastructure. Then heating up the rest of the steel. This was NOT a skyscraper fire where you have operational sprinkler systems and fire breaks. Bad comparison.
A lot of commercial flights took off that fateful morning. 4 did not return. They weren’t beamed into outer space. A lot of people died in those towers and the pentagon, and on 4 aircraft. Time to respect and honor the loss and stop practicing a religion.
We have enough corruption in our government going on to keep us busy exposing the real issues that are false or covered up.
Yesterday, 9/11/22, I watched a video interview with the author of a book who spent years examining all the “airline clues” available. She was an International Flight Attendant who missed being on one of those planes by a few hours. She knew protocols, she dug deep into the recordings of crew members and reports of other calls reportedly made during events unfolding. Interesting to note a few of the highlights from her presentation — She has found that 9/10 of the 19 accused terrorists matching their photographs are still alive. Five of the names on the list were composites of other people’s names, and 5 of those named were known to be dead previous to the incident. The Saudi govt suied on behalf of it’s named citizens and then … we heard no more aobut that (assuming there was a settlement). Also interesting to note – is that this flight attendant was very familiar with sounds and types of phones used at that time. She found a location in Ohio that fit the possibility of the scheduled passenger planes details … where she believes the planes landed, and the passengers and crew met their fateful deaths … not at the hands of the “publicized terrorists” … but at the hands of those who devised a much larger plan. The information is insightful and as the author stated – it made her physically sick when she realized where all her research led her. It is time that we the public are going to be presented with a lot of information that we might not want to see, may need to know, and that may be a huge wake-up call – even for those of us who consider ourselves already awake. Holding on to old information that came from a controlled narrative fed to the media twenty years ago … well – it might seem comfortable or safe to some, however, Truth will in the end come out. We can bury our heads and hope that nothing changes to shake, rattle, or destroy our old worldview …. or we can embrace these days of disclosure and revelation to reveal more to us and for our awakening to bring forth a greater awareness and maturity in each of us and humanity as a whole. We are living in remarkable times – and from where I sit – there is much more to come!!
Book Referenced above: Methodical Illusion by Rebeckah Roth 2014. Amazon: “Written as a novel, Methodical Illusion has been excruciatingly researched from an insider’s perspective, utilizing proprietary knowledge of airplanes, universal FAA protocols, standardized fight crew procedures and all hijacking policies. The results are the never before revealed answers to the daunting questions everyone has had, but few had dared ask aloud for fear of the repercussions that undoubtedly follow.”
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The moment is upon us. The time for a united effort to shift the focus back to our community is now.
The ability to thrive in our community, our environment, our workforce, and the tourist industry, is entirely possible because we have all the resources needed for success.
Still, we need a council that isn’t afraid to ask the hard questions, that makes decisions based on data and facts, and through discussion, rather than moving and voting in group unison as they so regularly do.
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