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Inferno was one of my favorites of the second set of Autobots. He didn’t shy away from a fight and had one of the more distinct personalities despite being more safety oriented Autobots.
With Hasbro already knocking out Grapple, Inferno was an obvious inclusion to the War for Cybertron line since they are mold mates. Let’s see if Inferno’s figure fires me up or extinguishes my excitement for this guy.
Packaging: As part of the Kingdom branding so he’s got the larger artwork package presentation showing both his bot and alt modes. I’m a big fan of the art style of this series and since Inferno is Voyager class, his packaging is larger than the standard figures.
The other side features a collage of the main Autobots and Decepticons from War for Cybertron Earthrise. I wish Hasbro would mix this up more often and include more of the recent characters in this collage.
Over towards the rear packaging, it’s a basic picture of Inferno in both modes.
Likeness: Similar to Grapple, Inferno’s head cabin area isn’t as pronounced as it was in the cartoon. While it’s a little taller than Grapple, it still could have been even higher so his chamber wings have a bit more width.
Inferno’s head sculpt is well done capturing all the details like the grooves in the top portion and sides. He’s also got a stoic expression, which was a good choice for him. The head sculpt definitely helps make him look different than Grapple.
Since his alt mode is a big firetruck, it makes sense that Inferno is a bigger Autobot. He’s nice and wide giving him a very formidable appearance. I dig how his alt mode is incorporated into the design with the ladder along his back and the fire hose on his right leg.
Alt Mode: Inferno is a fire truck complete with a ladder and an extinguishing nozzle at the end.
The fire hose along the side is a cool effort in bringing a little authenticity to the firetruck design.
Transformation: Inferno’s transformation is 17 steps. He was pretty fun to transform as the steps made sense and were largely intuitive.
Scale: Inferno is the same height as Grapple making him one of the taller Autobots.
Paint: Inferno’s paintjob is clean. My one nit is his windshield is transparent instead of opaque like the cartoon model.
Articulation: Inferno moves very well. He’s got a sturdier base than some of the other Autobots.
That allows him to hit some more dynamic poses with a bit more comfort that he’ll hold it without toppling quickly.
Accessories: Inferno has his larger scale blaster that has some nice extra details like the holes above the blaster barrel.
He also has a nozzle attachment you can use to douse fires and Decepticons. You can use the grapple hook from the rear as an attachment to his hand as another offensive weapon. He’s also got a welding torch to help with Autobot repairs and his latest creation.
Worth it? Inferno was $29.99. That’s not a bad price for a clearly solid Voyager class figure with a nice amount of original parts. And the little details like the hose, the nozzle and blaster help justify the costs.
Inferno was one unexpectedly one of my favorite Autobots in the Kingdom line. He looks like a heavy hitter, has great articulation and is fun to transform. Inferno is another terrific example of why I’ve gotten so into this Kingdom line.
Where to get it? The best way to find Grapple now is through online retailers like Amazon or Big Bad Toy Store.
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