Intruders using blowtorches at PWP dumpsite after hours

2022-05-28 04:10:59 By : Mr. Frankie Zhang

Minister of Health & Social Development, Marlon Penn has said intruders have been accessing dumpsites illegally and using blowtorches and similar devices to retrieve copper and other discarded items. This, he said, might be the cause of some fires at the Pockwood Pond Waste Disposal Site. 

Speaking at the sitting of the House of Assembly yesterday, Penn said there were two large fires this month at Pockwood Pond dumpsite. They occurred on the evening of May 16 and the morning of May 22. He said no one was injured and there was no damage to public or private equipment on site. 

However, the smoke from the fires was a source of discomfort for many residents on the western side of Tortola. 

“While the exact cause of the dumpsite fire that occurred on the 16th of May has not been established, the Department of Waste Management has uncovered evidence of persons illegally accessing the dumpsite after hours and using blowtorches or similar devices to retrieve copper and other metals from discarded items. Given the high concentrations of methane gas on-site, any form of intense heat applied in close proximity increases the likelihood of fires erupting,” the minister said. 

Penn strongly appealed to residents engaging in this activity to cease and desist immediately. 

“Your actions are not only detrimental to safe operations at the dumpsite but also have a damaging impact on the wider community,” the Minister of Health said. 

He said addressing this issue required a more proactive approach. Consequently, he will be seeking additional resources to put towards enhanced security measures such as reinstalling security cameras throughout the property and providing security guard coverage after operating hours. 

“I would also like to remind everyone listening that the solid waste disposal facility at Pockwood Pond is open to the public daily from 6 am to 4 pm. Only operators contracted by the government to collect residential waste will be allowed to enter the facility after 4 pm,” Penn said. 

The minister said the May 22nd fire resulted from spontaneous combustion when the unprocessed garbage at the site became ignited by hotspots smouldering underground. 

“To reduce the incidence of spontaneous combustion at the dumpsite, I am seeking additional resources to meet the need for adequate daily supervision of the operations on site. We are also seeking to divert a larger volume of combustible materials from the waste stream by expanding our recycling programmes in collaboration with Green VI and other partners,” Penn stated. 

Meanwhile, Penn said the incinerator remains offline because of mechanical failure and extensive damages caused by the fire that took place on February 14. That blaze destroyed the incinerator’s main control panel along with tis electrical system and contributed to material fatigue in certain sections of the building. 

The Minister said his ministry is in the process of procuring the necessary replacement parts from the equipment manufacturer, Consutech Systems LLC. 

“The company had already been contracted to supply a replacement Quench Tank and Ash Conveyor, along with a Heat Exchanger and three (3) Transfer Rams; all of which would be required to bring the Incinerator back online. Additionally, Madam Speaker, we are taking the necessary steps to purchase a factory replacement control panel, which is another critical piece of equipment,” Penn said. 

He noted he has spoken with the President of Consutech Systems on May 23 and emphasized the importance of expediting the delivery of these critical items. 

“It is important to bear in mind, however, that the process of fabricating, shipping, and installing the new parts will take several months; particularly in light of disruptions in the supply chain affecting key components,” Penn said. 

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look how the vip leave we so bad that people dem have to theif from the waste dump. foy boy you stay up in miami…. carvin if ya didnt get fired would da throw ya in the incinereter…. well sah

Open from 6am to 4 pm …are you serious? Most people clean their yard on Saturdays and arrive at the dump after 4pm and are turned back. No wonder why the garbage bin areas are full of crapppp.

Is it not time to look at other sources for equipment than that same tired story we keep hearing. Here is a solution.

ECONOTHERM® provides solutions to complex waste heat recovery applications for industrial users wishing to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions. ECONOTHERM® heat pipe exchangers offer many distinct advantages over more common technologies. We can recover ‘irrecoverable’ waste heat that other heat exchangers cannot: • We can deal with a wide temperature range, from -50 to 1000C • We can recover waste heat from aggressive environments such as highly acidic or very dirty particulate matter exhausts. • We can extract up to 25% more waste heat energy than conventional heat exchangers. Our technology is renowned for being extremely robust and able to operate in diverse and challenging heat recovery environments: • The combination of a unique low cost manufacturing process and patented exchanger designs ensure a long, trouble free service. • We offer very high levels of redundancy – our units are almost failsafe and will run 24x7x365. • A heat pipe heat exchanger virtually guarantees complete separation of the fluids involved in the heat exchange. The return on investment (ROI) payback period is 3 to 24 months, depending on application parameters.

Interesting information. Let us hope someone smart is listening.

Are you fuc……and serious 20 years they been dojng that and just now you fid it. Just put security,is it that difficult.??

Really, after all these years, this is what it has come down to? Our dumps being plagued by scrap metal thieves and their blow torches! That’s why we are were we are right now?

“Your actions are not only detrimental to safe operations at the dumpsite but also have a damaging impact on the wider community,” the Minister of Health said.

Just another ridiculously ignorant comment done by a long list of ‘educated’ elected officials that have guided this country off the cliff because they have no clue whatsoever.

They have a clue. This government knows exactly what it is doing…do you really think scavengers snuck into the dump and re lit fires 4 nights in a row?

Okay Marlon, it literally took you not more than a few weeks to show that you are just as incompetent as your predecessors.

UK, can you come sooner rather than later please.

This unity government is just as ridiculous as the previous one.

We are not idiots, it’s been official government policy to set the dump on fire for years. This is the case on tortola and VG. Now don’t come up with this nonsense.

Okay Marlon, it literally took you not more than a few weeks to show that you are just as incompetent as your predecessors.

In too much of a hurry to keep the British Out rather than oppose wrong doing.

Where is opposition when it is needed.

This practice has been going on from when the dump was moved from Duff’s Bottom to Pockwood Pond in the 80’s. Wow you politicians are really out of touch with the real BVI!

Little pixies up at the dump , another lame excuse who’s going to read the bedtime story next week pathetic!

What exactly are people stealing scrap metal for? Are there actually places to sell it here?

Don’t tell them…… setup cameras and hold them accountable. They already know they are doing something illegal.

Again, the same people that has been making decisions and running government for years… still in there doing the same CRAP… Why it this FACT so hard for people to see thru. Not going to change until you get rid of the trained/experienced culprits!

Can I suggest using radar situated on a barge in the channel to search for the intruders. Wouldn’t cost too much…

Solid waste giving Marlon bad intel

Every darn grocery store has a security guard to make sure we wash our hands….. The darn dump is a time bomb that will go off again and gas us all downwind. Can’t we get security there? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. By the way… we have a fire department right?. how come they can’t put out a fire up there…..Just saying. This place is a MESS. We are dying here!!!!!!!!!! who ever is in charge of Public Works and Waste management has to go.

Y’all really believe the crap this man saying unless 20,000 people going up there lighting fire. Wait sorry first of all what valuable metals up there hmm sad to say this man a real clown like the one before him And to believe they does come out to address the territory and the world with this kinda thing

We should remain the dump – Fahie House for it is emblematic of our country’s woes bestirred upon us by a greedy man whose very soul was on fire above the interests of his people.

Open from 6am to 4 pm …are you serious? Most people clean their yard on Saturdays and arrive at the dump after 4pm and are turned back. No wonder why the garbage bin areas are full of crapppp.

Any small hope I had for accountability and growth from this ‘unity government’ has been undone by the intent made clear in this article to lay blame for what has clearly been a government policy for decades on ‘down islanders’ yet again.

Why not seperate solid waste, if scrumpers can break it down and use it surely there is a partial solution in being carried away for free!

Reassign the security detail for the Drew to monitor the dump for these copper thieves.

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