Press release from the City of Geneva:
GENEVA, IL — The Geneva Fire Department Explorer Post 205 is looking for teens and young adults (ages 14 and 21) that are interested in learning about the fire service. The Explorer program provides firsthand knowledge of the techniques and skills necessary to be a firefighter.
The public is invited to an Explorers program open house at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8 at Fire Station No. 1. Refreshments will be provided.
The Explorer Post is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America but is open to all youth. Explorers will receive the same type of education firefighters receive to learn the world of firefighting, rescue and EMS practices. Lessons include everything from the history of the fire service, how to use the firefighting equipment, and basic first aid and CPR training.
Explorers will work together using problem-solving skills in stressful situations to complete group tasks. The program teaches young adults many applicable things as they grow up and move out into the workforce, whether in the fire service or not.
The Explorer Post meets bi-weekly at 6 p.m. Thursday nights at Geneva Fire Station No. 1, 200 East Side Drive. Instruction is provided by active duty Geneva firefighters. The Explorers also are involved in annual public education events held throughout the community.
For more information, email the Geneva Fire Department or call 630-232-2530.
This press release was produced by the City of Geneva. The views expressed here are the author’s own.
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